Audiovisual show and theatre sketches
What are the best means to share the results and concerns of our research with the villagers who had taken part over many years?
By what means being attractive enough to reach the largest numbers of people – not only the village representatives?
What are the appropriate forms of expression when most of the population is illiterate?
Our choice was to invest in two recreational activities :
- An audiovisual slideshow in local language projected in every village
- Theatre sketches created and performed by the villages on topics related to our research.
Since 2003 each new wage of the survey begins in each village with a time of entertainment « cinema and theater », spent together, with performances by the villagers (the sketches) and audiovisual shows (research feedbacks, videos displaying older theater sketches, etc.).
The audiovisual presentation

The audiovisual slidewhow, presented in local language, is also available with subtitles in English and French.
It is available on a CD and on line, expecting that our ’home-made’ tool will contribute to further research and discussion on the dynamics of scientific dissemination in Africa.
Lesclingand Marie et Véronique Hertrich, 2007. – Quand la population change… Restitution d’une recherche au Mali / When the Population is Changing. A Presentation of Research Findings in Mali – Paris, INED.
Download via Demographic Research
Hertrich Véronique, Marie Lesclingand, Martine Quaglia et Amandine Stephan, 2011. – Constructing a survey over time: audio-visual feedback and theatre sketches in rural Mali, Demographic Research, vol. 25, n°22, 2011, p. 695-722 (, doi:10.4054/DemRes.2011.25.22)
Theatre sketches

Theatre sketches were created in each villages, on topics related to our survey. They were freely created and performed by the villagers.
They were designed in a parodic, burlesque style and point to questions perceived as critical but with comic potential (for instance pressure on lands, misadventure during migration, family rivalries...).
The sketches were performed on the public place of the village, the villagers being the audience. We recorded them to be able to show the videos during future meetings.
As a whole, 30 sketches were recorded in 2003 and 2009.
On line : a theatre sketch (video, English subtitles)